Sunday, January 18, 2015

Third Time's the Charm!

I've started and stopped writing this post multiple times.  I just can't get past my excitement and sheer jubilation to come up with a creative and witty way to start.  So without further ado....

Drumroll please...

I GOT MY DREAM JOB! I'm so excited to tell you, friends and family, that I will be joining the Expedition team at UnCruise Adventures for the 2015 Alaska season!  I couldn't be more thrilled!

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported me through the last two years, two rejections,  three applications and finally one job offer.  Apparently it is true what they say, the third time really is a charm!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Belated Holiday Wishes and Work Surprises

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season!  I know I certainly did!  I was lucky enough to get to go back to Boise and visit family and friends.  I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas and birthday! 

Besides getting to visit with everyone, I also had a wonderful present from my Oregon Ducks!  They won the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day, one of the semifinal games in the inaugural college football playoffs.  Win the day, Ducks!  I'll be rooting for you on the 12th!!!

Sorry it's blurry, but that was the final score.  Go Ducks!

And now, a quick side note.  This morning, I was in a bit of a funk.  I got back to Juneau last night and didn't sleep very much before having to get up at 3:30am to go to work, which happened to be something that I really did not want to do.  I moped to my car and was pulling out of the parking lot before I really looked at my surroundings.  No, there was no bear (they're safely asleep this time of year), but there was something even more exciting.  The aurora borealis was clear about Mt Roberts!  It wasn't a huge aurora, but it was definitely there!  It took my breath away! 

I wholeheartedly wish that I had a better picture!  Sadly, I didn't have the time (or inclination, as it was freezing due to near gale force Taku winds) to go back in and get my good camera.  I will definitely be going aurora chasing soon!!!