Once again, sorry about the long span between posts! Life gets busy.
I was blessed enough a few weeks ago that my parents were able to come visit me on my wondrous adventure! While they were only here for 3 full days, those days were packed full of hikes and sightseeing and paddling and general good fun.
On Friday, I had to work so afterwards we explored town. After some explorations, we made it out to the Raptor Center, the premier bird of prey rehabilitation center in Alaska. They treat wounded birds of prey (and many other kinds, if they aren't too full), primarily bald eagles, that have been found in Sitka or any part of Alaska. Most are released into the wild after they have recovered, though about 15 birds have been given a permanent residence at the center due to injuries that left them unable to survive in the wild.
It was very interesting to get to see some of the birds pretty close up in the their enclosures. And YES, even I got near them to look!
This is a Great Horned Owl named Gandalf |
Saturday was our first full day of exploring and adventures. That morning we hiked the Herring Cove trail up to and around Beaver Lake. It was a perfect day for it - 67, mostly sunny, and a light breeze. Just perfection. Later that day, I finally got to take Mom and Dad to see Fortress of the Bear. Sadly, we forgot the long lens for the camera so no close-ups, but Mom did get some cute pictures anyways.
Mom and Dad at Beaver Lake |
Sunday was another day full of glorious weather and awesome adventure. All along I knew that I wanted to take my parents out paddling and we finally got to. We went on a Half-Day Paddle through my company and it was amazing. Another family had also booked the same trip so we had some fun getting to know them. And I got to share my boat with a hilarious 6 year old girl named Sophie who was VERY intent on finding seashells. Not only was it a sunny day with very little breeze, but we saw sea otters, starfish, and an ORCA!!!!!! It was awesome! I must say, it's one thing to understand in your head how big they are and that a male orca's dorsal fin stands about 6 to 7 feet tall, and it's completely something else to actually see the fin towering above you and your kayak as you're pretty much sitting IN the water. It was something I'll never forget.
Cailen, me, and Sophie |
Eagle's nest |
After our lovely and exciting paddle, we were left with the entire afternoon, so I decided to take them up Harbor Mountain and hike around. Now, Harbor Mountain is kind of special. It has the only road in Southeast Alaska that goes all the way into the alpine biome. And the only reason that we happen to have that road (because it really serves no purpose anymore) is because in World War II, the army built a radar station at the top of the mountain because they were certain that the Japanese would attack towns in Southeast. So props to the army because that road saves you from having to gain nearly 2800 feet on foot.
View into the interior of Baranof Island |
The view west - Kasian and Middle islands in the relative foreground, Kruzof Island and Mt Edgecumbe in the back |
Explorer's Gentian |
All in all, I had a wonderful time have my parents come visit and I feel so truly blessed that they were able to come up here!
It was a thrill to have the opportunity to share Sitka with you! We'll always remember the wonderful experiences and value the time we spent with you. We are truly grateful for the time we had with you and really appreciated getting to see where you work and share in your adventure. Thanks for the wonderful experience!!!!