Friday, May 31, 2013

One month down...

So I realized today that as May comes to a close, I've been here for a month. 

Now, I don't quite know how I feel about that.  One the one hand, it feels like I have just barely gotten here and begun my adventure.  But on the other, I feel very settled in and like I've been here for ages.  I honestly don't know which is the better feeling. 

There are so many things that I want to do here before I leave and many more adventures to be had. I want to see a tufted puffin on Lazaria Island.  I want to go flight-seeing.  I'd love to go camping at one of the many Forest Service cabins that are sprinkled around here.  I want to climb Verstovia and Arrowhead and maybe even Bear Mountain.  I want to have a bonfire on the beach and make a twilight paddle with a full moon on a clear night. 

Luckily, I have 4 more months!  All I can say is: Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - 1 month down already! You've accomplished so much in that short period of time! I'm highly confident you'll get to a lot of those other things you want to do in the next 4 months! Maybe we'll get to do some of them with you in August. Meanwhile, enjoy each day that you have there in Sitka. Love, Mom
